How Pinterest Can Boost Vacation Rental Buzz

pinterest board We all know the importance of the visual impact a vacation rental makes on a potential vacationer. With my Costa Rica holiday coming up, I’ve pored over images of beaches, monkeys, toucans, fabulously colourful flowers, as well as having the listing site photographs imprinted on my mind. It was the visual aspect that first attracted us to the property and even when we looked at other options nothing else came close. Given this, and my current obsession with Pinterest I’ve been researching how we can use the massive growth in this visual social network to create more link juice for a listing or vacation rental web site.

Pinterest hit my radar last year and I took a quick look before deciding it was focused more on shoes, style, design, and moms with too much time on their hands. I’m always open to new things but this didn’t seem to be going anywhere in a direction that could impact our business. Since then more articles have appeared citing it as one of the fastest growing social media platforms, and the ability for it to create interest in a variety of brands. So how does it work?

I am too new to Pinterest to try and explain it fully but it’s easy to dive in and try it out. Here’s a few links to articles that helped me understand what it’s about and made me appreciate the value of using it in our business:

What is Pinterest and how to use if for marketing your brand

A useful overview plus 9 specific marketing tactics for Pinterest

“Pinterest is an online pinboard that allows you to collect and display the images you find on the web. You can find boards from other people to discover new things and get inspiration from others. You can use Pinterest to plan a vacation, decorate your home and share your favorite fashion items.”

Pinterest Ultimate Guide: How It Works, How You Can Use It

This is a great beginners guide

“So you may be asking, “OK this is great and all, but how is it going to benefit my website?” There are a few key advantages to bloggers using Pinterest:
– Develop Relationships
– Get Traffic
– Increase Your Visibility
– Link Building”

The Next Great Place to get Links

An explanation of how Pinterest works with in the social media arena

“To be effective for SEO, it makes the most sense for products that appeal to women as they make up the largest demographic. If your product ties into food, fashion, DIY, travel, home décor or weddings, and can easily fit into giveaways, it’s also a gold mine.”

10 Pinterest Ideas with SEO benefits

For those interested in SEO and how to use Pinterest to achieve results, this list has some helpful ideas

“Signing into Pinterest with Facebook will link your Facebook timeline to your Pinterest posts. This means your Facebook friends will be able to see your Pinning activity and click through to see your Pins. You can (and should) also cross-promote, occasionally, your Pins on other networks like Twitter, Flickr or even your blog”.

If this hasn’t got your interest, consider why Home Away have started using the platform to promote their properties. They are not directly listing properties – simply posting the best images on different topics that of course link back to the listing. For example, the board titled Kitschy Kitchens has the tagline:

“Everyone loves a kitchen fit for the perfect cook! Check out our collection of great kitchen spaces from HomeAway vacation rentals and more.”

Getting onto Pinterest is not as simple as just signing up – you have to request an invitation and may have to wait anything from a few days to a week or more to get a response. However if you comment on this post and ask for an invitation, I will send you one. I’d also love you to post any boards you already have and hear about how you are already using them.

By the way, here is one of my first efforts: Photographing Vacation Rental Interiors

“The people are there, the people are pinning, and the potential for your content to go viral, indexing hundreds of backlinks to your site, is there.”

About the author

Heather Bayer

  • Many thanks for this post Heather, im looking forward to reading the articles and exploring Pinterest further so it would be great to get an invite! Love your photos board, ive done some similar ideabooks on Houzz, as I think visuals are so perfect for setting a scene for our holiday rental owners.
    Fab blog, many thanks!

  • CottageGuru

    Hi Lindsay

    I had not heard of Houzz until I found Pinterest and know I have pinned some images from there. I will go back and have a look. I sent you an invitation so hope to see your boards up soon.

  • Thanks for flagging this up Heather; I love your pinboard – full of different angles and very professional looking. Already a friend with a vacation rental has seen it and commented on how useful it will be for his new ad. Most of us here could draw inspiration from it I think.

    That’s just it: I like the fact that you’re helping others’ interests and businesses as well as your own. Please may I have an invitation too?!

  • CottageGuru

    Thanks for the comment Jane – I have sent your Pinterest invitation. Let me know when you have a board pinned so I can follow it.

  • Thanks for this. It is always refreshing to find new useful tools and I really appreciate the effort you put into demonstrating the value of it for your business. My wife is a bit naive when it comes to these things but she found this an easy read and understood immediately how to apply it to her business.

    May I please have an invite as well?



  • Thank you so much for this very informative article. And I loved your pinboard! Beatifully done. I’m going to try it, thanks to you. 🙂

  • Great post, I just heard the Gary Vaynerchuk declared that pinterest was the hottest social media platform even though, like you, we visited there a year or so ago and it did not seem like that much going on with pinterest.

    If you think about it, this type of site is taking over a void that MySpace left behind and is different than facebook, so will give it another try, thanks for the great post! – I applied for an invite a few days ago so didn’t hear anything back, would be great to get one, thanks again,
    William E.

  • Hi there
    Your article has really helped me decide to get on to Pintrest. I first heard of it last year too and didn’t really see the point but as I run a holiday home in just about the most competitive part of the holiday world (south of France) I’m trying to do everything I can to up my SEO. I stumbled across you on Twitter (which I’m also new to, being a big FB fan myself) and it looks like you’ve got plenty of great ideas so I’ll be following you closely! Thanks again.
    Please may I have an invitation?

  • Isabelle Ewers

    A very interesting and informative post. As a newbie to Pinterest, you have totally convinced me that it has a lot of benefits.

  • Hi Heather
    I wonder what’s best – to have a board just for your house or to have a more general one? I have one called Beautiful France that has mostly my house photos on but other lovely France pics too, in an attempt to draw people in. Have to admit I’ve been a bit quiet on their recently but n0w Spring is here am hoping to get lots more lovely pics 🙂