All posts in "Bookings"

How to Welcome Your Winter Guests

Winter is a little slow arriving here in Ontario with Christmas fast approaching and no sign of a white Christmas yet. However, that doesn’t stop us from preparing our vacation rentals for the snow and arctic temperatures bound to come before too long. Our guests will arrive wanting to kick back and enjoy their weekend […]


A vacation rental listing is not enough to attract traffic

I’m often asked which listing sites are the best to use to attract a particular target market and my answer is usually the same – if you have invested in a couple of major sites that get a ton of traffic, and one or two free sites that may be rising in popularity, the next […]


Tapping into Anticipation Happiness for Vacation Rental Marketing

  I’ve been following Vanessa Warwick’s blogs and posts recently. Vanessa is co-founder of Property Tribes – a UK based landlord and property investment community and owns several holiday lets in the UK and Cyprus. This post caught my eye this morning as it mirrors my philosophy on marketing vacation rentals and references a great […]


31 Days to Build a Better Blog for Vacation Rental Owners

Writing this blog has created a lot of opportunities for me. I get contacted by owners looking for advice and consultancy, journalists needing material for a story, and a lot of interest in my membership site, Renting for Profit. Consequently I believe wholeheartedly that blogs are here to stay, they work to create credibility and […]


Blogging – How it Works for this Vacation Rental Owner

I’ve written several times about how important it is to keep your vacation rental site refreshed and up to date, and to make it ‘sticky’ – as in encouraging people to stick around. One of the best ways of doing that is to install a blog on your site, so I tweeted a few days […]


Capture off season bookings with niche marketing techniques

I took up stand-up paddle boarding this past summer. It’s a cross between surfing and kayaking and I am hooked on this sport. When we were in Dallas a few weeks ago, and staying on Grapevine Lake in an RV park, I met up with another enthusiast and as we paddled out for an hour […]


Why I Like Review Sites

I realized recently how much I use review sites for anything from checking out movies on IMDB; books on Amazon; RV Sites on RV Park Reviews and of course vacation rentals on Trip Advisor. My son & his wife have just climbed Mt Kilimanjaro and been on safari in the Masai Mara with an Africa […]


Try Before You Buy – A Vacation Rental Loss Leader Strategy

Capturing bookings for the low season is tough with a lot of properties competing for a smaller market. There are a lot of promotional initiatives you could test but the ‘Try Before You Buy’ idea may be one that could work for most owners in areas where guests have a shorter distance to travel. The […]


A New Vacation Rental Niche Market – Stand Up Paddling

I’ve been writing about niche marketing recently and keep coming up with new markets that would lend themselves well to a vacation rental promotion. In fact most interests that get people outside and into the countryside are ones that owners can target with specific campaigns. Lets kick off with my new favourite sport of stand-up […]


Make Your WordPress Site Security A Priority

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians – the sun is shining, the water on the river is sparkling and my kayak is beckoning – it’s a great day. The last week or so has been somewhat of a challenge though. This blog was so thoroughly hacked that we had to take it down for […]

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