All posts in "Bookings"

What’s in a Listing Site?

This seems to be the time of year when every day sees another email proclaiming the best listing site….ever….more features, more photos, reaching more renters, more bookings etc, etc, etc. What a load of guff. When I wrote the first edition of Renting For Profit in 2003, I included a couple of examples of listing […]


Tin Eye – Reverse Image Search

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post about copyrighting images, I had a Tweet from Schofields in UK (they provide holiday home insurance for UK cottages & overseas property and blog on holiday letting, travel and property news).  They mentioned that its possible to also check and see if other people are using your photos illegally […]


Are Your Photos Legal?

Sometimes we’d love to include an image of something on a vacation rental web site to create more appeal and to attract visitors to explore further. We did this with our UK holiday site about 10 years ago when we were trying to portray the Ontario experience, and what better to do this with than […]


Top 10 Tips from Google Boot Camp for Vacation Rentals

So, was it worth leaving the frozen north to battle through TSA checks, 4 flights, 2 kilometres of walking the concourse at Dulles International, and two days of really bad coffee, just for a taste of Florida sunshine and a course on Google Analytics and all things related to SEO and vacation rentals? Yes, Yes, […]


25 Ideas For Your Vacation Rental Blog

Writing a blog can be a challenge particularly if you want it to drive traffic to your site, or your listing. You need to attract a loyal audience and people who will talk about it to their friends on Facebook and Twitter. To do this, you’ll need to write regularly, create interesting content and consistently […]


Facebook Page vs Profile for Vacation Rental Owners

Massive Facebook usage in all demographics is making it a ‘must have’ in the vacation rental marketing tool kit. If your competitors are using Facebook to promote their property listing or blog, or even as a site in its own right, then it’s time you jumped on the bandwagon. If you are already using Facebook […]


Do’s and Dont’s of Responding to Vacation Rental Reviews

  The use of live reviews is a controversial topic and this guest post from Dan Weisman at Flipkey is timely since a recent article on the Forbes blog highlighted the drawbacks of review systems on some of the major vacation rental by owner sites.  The Do’s and Don’ts of Responding to Reviews Everyone appreciates […]


10 Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Vacation Rental Website

Just having a vacation or cottage rental website isn’t going to get you visitors.  It requires a lot of work to attract people to your site, to get it seen in a Google search and encourage your potential guests to take a look.  Spending on search engine optimisation and advertising works but it affects your […]


10 Signs Your Vacation Rental Website May Not Be Attracting Bookings

I made up this list after spending an entertaining afternoon looking at the worst of the worst vacation rental web sites. I am not naming and shaminng, and this is simply my opinion as one who sees a lot of sites and frequently asks for feedback from people who are looking for a cottage to […]


10 Super Easy Ways to Create Bad Vacation Rental Images

I’ve been researching web sites and listings recently and have come across a significantly large proportion of howlers – those that turned me right off even thinking of renting a vacation home at all, let alone the ones I was looking at. This is not a good reflection on our industry and I really don’t […]

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