Tapping into Anticipation Happiness for Vacation Rental Marketing

AnnouncementI’ve been following Vanessa Warwick’s blogs and posts recently. Vanessa is co-founder of Property Tribes – a UK based landlord and property investment community and owns several holiday lets in the UK and Cyprus. This post caught my eye this morning as it mirrors my philosophy on marketing vacation rentals and references a great bit of research that supports it.

A little known fact about me is that I was once employed by Boots the Chemist in England, as a Happiness Consultant. Inspired by Robert Holden’s original Happiness Project the Boots programme offered a series of courses and seminars, but it didn’t last long….it seemed that motivating unhappy people to take a course in how to be happier was a harder job than they had envisaged. However the training programme I had to take was fascinating and I got to learn a lot about the concept of happiness and how it affects our health and well being. So this research that suggests “the happiest people were the ones in the weeks leading up to a vacation” was appealing since it tells us we should be targeting our potential guests anticipatory nature and this is something that can be done with a good marketing strategy.

What does this mean? It’s important to note that “the most up to date information is always the most relevant” – therefore there is no point in your website or marketing never changing to reflect the seasons. Vanessa really hits the nail on the head with her concept of developing a ‘marketing matrix’. She describes a layered mix of events, property attributes, and ‘packages’ to deliver a focused strategy for using blog posts and marketing materials to promote what is going on in the property locations. The key issue is working well in advance, knowing what events are coming up and matching them up with features of the home, then creating an appealing and attractive package to draw in the interest. Knowing a little about SEO and social media works well too, but once the foundation of fresh content is there, the rest becomes a little easier.

This is what is so vital in keeping traffic coming to your web site or blog – ring the changes and create the anticipation – after all, creating happiness is one of the best parts of doing this business.

About the author

Heather Bayer

  • Great advice. I have, in the past, got the christmas tree out of the attic and put it next to the fireplace, decorated it, wrapped some empty cardboard boxes in christmas paper, added the fairy lights and laid and lit a real fire in the hearth. I then placed a bottle of port wine and a couple of glasses (with port in them) on a coffee table and took some photo’s of the decorated tree, presents and the blazing fire with the port and glasses in the foreground. I did this at the end of the summer season and replaced my “summer” images with my new “winter/christmas/new year” images in early October. These images really help with conversions.
    Better still you can use the images each year.

  • There seems to be so many cottages available that it is difficult to choose. Also, love the blog!

  • This is a great blog, have been following it for a while and getting some great tips (still have to put many of them into practice though!!) I like the idea of tapping into the happiness, I find it really helps if you are communicating with your guests when they enquire and be enthusiastic about what they can do. e.g. We have The Titantic Belfast opening here next year, so people booking for 2012 we are bringing this up as something new they can visit.

    Keep up the great blogs!



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