All posts in "Property"

The 10 Habits of Remarkable And Successful Vacation Rental Owners

Over the past ten years in my cottage rental business as well as through this blog and podcast, I have talked at length with hundreds of vacation rental owners, many of whom have been amazingly successful. Those who have achieved great success share a set of perspectives and beliefs and habits. They: 1. Treat their […]


VRS045 – Managing Multiple Vacation Rental Properties with Oregon Owner Debi Hertert

Debi’s story of buying, renovating and marketing four separate (and very different) vacation rental properties is motivating and inspiring. From a career in patient care to a rewarding business in guest care, Debi has used all her skills of understanding the needs of people to create a welcoming environment and it shows in the consistent […]


Let’s rent out our vacation home….

As part of my day job as an agency owner, I regularly view vacation homes and continue to be surprised by the perceptions of owners as to the rental potential of their properties.   To prevent a wasted journey I have a lot of requirements to be met before a viewing, one of which is that […]


It’s Time to Buy the Next Vacation Rental Home

Over the past 12 years I’ve owned seven vacation homes – at one time we had five on the go – but mostly we have bought and sold as the market has evolved. Currently, I’m managing two – Osprey Cottage (bought in 2005) and Kingfisher Cottage (bought in 2012). The process of selection has always […]


VRS042 – Creating a Vacation Insider Guide with Andy McNulty

My guest on this episode is passionate about the vacation rental business, and although he doesn’t own a property himself, he has been a powerful advocate for delivering great information to guests, for many years. Back in 2007, Andy McNulty, together with a business partner, founded Getaway Earth. The site aimed to create a space […]

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