VRS018 – A Story of Renegade Retirement & Vacation Rentals with Lynne Martin


Lynne Martin is the author of Home Sweet Anywhere, a wonderful story of love lost-and-found, the joys and pitfall of world travel, and a renegade retirement.  While most people are done with their travelling in their twenties and thirties, Lynne and her author husband Tim are exploring the world in their later years, with joy and gusto.  With a goal to live like locals, they sold their home, put their final few possessions in storage and left for a new life of being Home Free.

Travelling from California, to Argentina, cruising to Italy, then exploring Tuscany, Paris, London, Ireland, Morroco and Portugal, best of all, they have stayed primarily in vacation rentals along the way.

I first heard of Lynne after reading an article in The Huffington Post with the title 5 Rules for Choosing a Vacation rental.  When I read that, I just had to talk to her and ask about her experiences as a guest in vacation rentals.  After talking to her, I appreciate why she and Tim made friends in every country – her first published article in the Wall St Journal came about after a chance meeting on a cruise ship – and many of these friends are the owners of the properties they stayed in.

In the course of our conversation I learned:

  • What criteria the Martins use for selecting their vacation rental home-bases
  • Why reviews are so important in their decision making
  • What makes a great first impression
  • The first things Lynne and Tim do when they arrive at a new property
  • Why it’s important to let guests know if you don’t have an expected amenity
  • The value to guests (and to their enjoyment) of providing local information
  • The importance of WiFi to travelers

Make sure you buy Lynne’s book – it’s such a great read.

Where to get Lynne’s book 

Lynne’s Check in checklist

Huffington Post Article

Wall Street Journal Article

Forbes Magazine Article

About the author

Heather Bayer

  • johngoing

    Great Podcast. Just pre-ordered the book.

  • Lynne Martin

    Thanks, John! Delighted and hope you’ll enjoy it!

  • Thomas McCauley

    Reading this book and got to the point that refers to a VR guests ‘check in list’. Googled it and VOILA – Lynne was a guest on podcast VRS018. Itsasmallworldafterall. From the pool deck at the Beige Villa http://www.sandyridgevillas.com