VRS038 – Dealing with Vacation Rental Complaints and Damage

I spent the weekend at the Podcast Movement Conference in Dallas, where I spoke on a panel about podcast promotion, networked with 600 other podcasters, and had a thoroughly good time. It was such a diverse crowd of people with shows on topics ranging from juicing to body building, WordPress hacks to selling on Ebay; and plenty of entrepreneurial subjects.

One topic that was under-represented was travel, and although it’s surprising there are not many more travel shows, it’s probably because podcasts are usually started by entrepreneurs and techies. Most of us wouldn’t class ourselves as either. However the opportunity is huge to get in there and start to promote our areas with a location specific podcast. Check out how Lou Mongella has done this with Walt Disney World Radio – now at episode 374!

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Is this for you? Would you like to get a podcast started for your vacation location? If so, email me and let me know and I can share my ideas for a VR podcasting group.

So, my topics today are damage and complaints – two issues that are at the top of my agenda at this time of the year. In this episode I share some tips to help deal with both sides of the coin. For handling damage issues you these are some great tips:

  • Tell your guests what you expect
  • Keep a digital camera to hand to record damage
  • Assess cost of replacement items fairly
  • Get an immediate quote in cases of significant damage
  • Be objective at all times

On the other hand when you get complaints it is important to know when to refund or compensate and I cover some ways to manage these issues.

tweetThis is a great podcast episode from @cottageguru about dealing with #vacationrental complaints and damage

When should you claim on a damage deposit

Dealing with damage – do you have a plan?

10 Ways to prevent complaints and negative reviews for your vacation rental

Why vacation rental owners and agencies should be podcasting Part One

Why vacation rental owners and agencies should be podcasting Part Two

About the author

Heather Bayer

  • Pat

    Hi Heather and thanks for your recent podcast – VRS038 – Dealing with Vacation Rental Complaints and Damage. You are always interesting and enlightening and we love your accent 🙂 Please tell us how to find your “show notes” – as you mentioned 2 or 3 items we could find there after listening. Again, many thanks for helping others from your experience!

  • Hi Pat – I think Mike guided you in the direction of the show notes, but your note has prompted me to include more links and resources. Thank you